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Paragon ExtFS Coupon Code Best Price Deals 20% Discount

Buy Paragon ExtFs with coupon promo code to earn 20% discount.
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Coupon promo code that works on Paragon Hard Disk Manager also valid on ExtFS product. It works on Paragon ExtFS for Mac OS X and Windows version (now Linux File Systems for Windows). Using the Paragon ExtFS coupon code, the software prices now $15.96. Get the best deals with 20% discount on this offer. The offer using official general coupon discount that also works on other Paragon products.

Paragon ExtFS for Mac

Paragon ExtFS is universal file system driver like Paragon NTFS. The difference, Paragon ExtFS function is to load Ext/Linux filesystem on Windows and Mac OS X. Using the application you can get full access to hard disk with Ext partition like using the native drive. With the tool, you can read and write the file system from Windows and Mac OS X directly. Normal price software is $19.95. But with coupon code the price Paragon ExtFS is 20% cheaper.

Paragon ExtFS Coupon Discount Code for Mac & Windows

Use the new coupon code “YXC-WFX-PGH” on this offer to buy Paragon ExtFs. The coupon works on Mac and Windows version. Using the code earn 20% discount for the new license.

Buy link for Paragon ExtFS for Mac OS X License Key
Regularly the software priced $19.95. Now $15.96 only on the promo: Buy now!

Another version is ExtFS for Windows and now called Linux File Systems for Windows. Like the Mac OS X version, the Windows version is also available 20% discount. You can get the discount while purchasing using Paragon ExtFS coupon.

Buy Linux File Systems for Windows License (20% Off)
Earn 20% discount now using the code. Buy full license at cheapest price: Buy now!

Redeem the coupon with ease using all of the buy links above. The coupon promo code also works on other Paragon software to earn a 20% discount.

Paragon ExtFS for Windows and MacOS Key Features

  • Allows to load ExtFS disk on Mac OS X and Windows. The software features with a user-friendly wizard to make it load Linux file system easily.
  • Mount all type of Linux file system easily. File system and partition supported such as Ext2, Ext3, and Ext4 file system. The software features with auto mount and advanced support to get full access on ExtFS file system.
  • Get full access to the Linux partitions like using a native hard disk. Also allows you to create and format Ext file system directly.
  • Integrated disk utility to check and repair Ext volumes.

New Paragon ExtFS also available on Paragon Mac ToolBox (previously File System Link Suite) a bundle software for exchange data between MacOS and Windows platform. The bundle offered with 50% discount.

System Requirements. New version Paragon ExtFS for Mac supports on Mac OS X Yosemite up to MacOS Catalina (10.15).

Whereas Paragon ExtFs or Linux File Systems for Windows supports Windows XP up to Windows 10. Also works on Windows server 2003, 2008 and 2012.