Antamedia HotSpot Coupon Promo Code 80% Discount
$499.00 Deals Todays
$99.80 Discount
List active coupon codes for Antamedia HotSpot software. Earn 20% up to 80% off price discount using the coupon promo code. Discount is 100% valid on all versions Antamedia HotSpot (premium, lite, enterprise, standard). Starting price the software is $199.00 and with Antamedia coupon code, the price is up to 80% cheaper. Antamedia HotSpot is offer solution to create home up to business internet wifi connection.
Antamedia HotSpot software is an application to manage your hot-spot. It will detect and monitor any computer or other devices that connected to your hot-spot service. It also help you to control time and bandwidth usage of any users. Antamedia HotSpot is Windows-based application that offer detail billing about your users. On season promo, buy Antamedia HotSpot with coupon coupon and earn discount 20% up to 80%.
Antamedia HotSpot Coupon Promo Code with Best Discount
Get up to 80% discount using active coupon code on this offer. Buy Antamedia HotSpot software using deals links below to get instant discount. The promo is 100% works on Lite, Standard, Premium, & Enterprise license.
Coupon Code: HSPREM
Antamedia HotSpot Software Premium 80% Off Discount (Popular)
Buy at lowest price for $99.80 instead of $499.00: Get the Best Deals!
Antamedia HotSpot Enterprise Edition – 50% Off (The Best)
Best solution for enterprise and business WiFi hotspot: Buy this Best Version!
To create home WiFi hotspot solution, use standard and lite versions. It features with basic tool only.
Buy Antamedia Hotspot Software Standard with 50% Discount
Get the deals for $174.5 using coupon instead of $349.00: Buy now!
Antamedia Hotspot Lite (Best for Home WiFi HotSpot): Buy now!
Get the best versions suitable with your WiFi needs by viewing the full features comparison.
Other Antamedia HotSpot active coupon codes is HSPREM, COUPON039 , COUPON-39, and HSENT. Use the alternative coupon codes is 80% or 50% off discount above expires.
Antamedia HotSpot Software Key Features
- Easy to setup and to use. Doesn’t not requires installation to clients.
- Control download, upload, time & bandwidth for every users with ease. Allow you to give more bandwidth and access for VIP users and limit access for non VIP such as free users.
- Allow to create free or paid HotSpot service. For paid serive, it support wide range payment methods.
- Can manage unlimited online clients.
- Scalable from 1 room up to 1 city.
- Support Facebook login for free account.
- Customize login pages.
- Watch activity per device connected.
- Extra add-on on separated order to help you manage your WiFi access easily. The popular add-on for AntaMedia HotSpot is Add credit card support.
Antamedia HotSpot Software is industry leading software to manage and sell WiFi access. The software allow you to manage unlimited clients.
System Requirements. Antamedia HotSpot works on Windows 10, Win 8/8.1, and Win 7. Min hardware requirement to install is a PC with 2 GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM, and 2 network cards.
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